• Photo of Rajan Sawhney

    Minister Rajan Sawhney

    Rajan Sawhney was sworn in as Minister of Advanced Education on June 9, 2023.

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Mandate letter

The Premier's mandate letter to the Minister of Advanced Education outlines the objectives and priorities of the work they will focus on in their role.

Read the mandate letter See all mandate letters


An industrial crane rises against a clear blue sky

This fall, we launched A career to be proud of to promote careers in the skilled trades and apprenticeship education.

Team huddle hands

In collaboration with Alberta Immigration and Multiculturalism, we hosted the Premier’s Summit on Fairness for Newcomers to support newcomer success and drive economic growth.

From 2022 to 2026, we are investing $312 million over 4 years through the Targeted Enrolment Expansion initiative to increase seats in high-demand post-secondary programs.

We established the Skilled Trades Youth Ambassadors advisory council and the Youth Skills Network to connect youth in the skilled trades with Alberta’s government.

Key information

Our responsibilities

Prepares Albertans for lifelong success through education by:

  • approving programs of study
  • funding public post-secondary institutions and other adult learning providers
  • providing financial aid for learners
  • registering and certifying apprentices
  • supporting academic research and innovation

Our programs and services are driven by 2 outcomes:

  1. Albertans have the education and skills required to secure rewarding careers in the current and future labour market to support a thriving economy and society.
  2. Alberta’s high quality adult learning system and professional regulatory environment attract, develop and retain a skilled and talented workforce.

In focus

Build your future in the trades with hands-on apprenticeship education.
Students in graduation gowns throwing their caps in the air

Learn more about how the province is investing in post-secondary education and Alberta’s students.

Led by economist Dr. Jack Mintz, a panel of experts will assess key aspects of Alberta’s post-secondary system and ensure it remains competitive and aligned with current and future needs.

Scholarships are available for students, teachers, apprentices and occupational trainees.

This initiative is a transformational vision, direction and new way of working for our province’s higher education system.

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